National Construction Safety Officer...
... with Certifications for Safety Programs and Work Place Safety Training Videos
Vancouver, BC
Björn Ulfsson is a certified NCSO (National Construction Safety Officer) with a diploma in Health & Safety Administration from the ACSA (Alberta Construction Safety Association - Certificate number 11895573)
Björn Ulfsson has been a Safety Officer for MegaHertz Telecom Ltd, a team of telecom technicians responsible for building, rigging and installing cell phone telecom equipment in cell phone towers, high rise rooftops and public buildings.
As Safety Officer, he was responsible for building and implementing the company´s Work Place Safety Program, as well as creating the company´ Safety Manual.
With his experience and NCSO certification, Björn can help design and create a Work Place Safety Program, as well as DIRECT, SHOOT AND EDIT your company´s Safety Training Videos .
Safety Certificates and Courses:
- Auditor Certificate & Auditor Training Program
- Transporting Dangerous Good (Train-theTrainer)
- WHMIS (Train-The Trainer)
- Standard First Aid
- Fall Protection (Yes, we can legally climb!)
- Tower Rescue Training
- Legislation Awareness
- Prime Contractor
- Leadership For Safety Excellence
- Effective WCB Claims Management
- Health & Safety Admin Program
- Small Employer Health & Safety Management
- Construction Safety Administration
- Basic Instructional Techniques
- Confined Space Monitor
- Construction Safety Training Systems
TELECOM (Non Safety Related)
Anritsu Site Master Line Sweep & Anritsu PIM testing